Year 3, Week #8 and Don't Follow Your Passion?
We hear a lot about passion. We care a lot about it too.
What’s the best place for passion, and how is it distinctive from opportunity and finding a calling?
What’s the best place for passion, and how is it distinctive from opportunity and finding a calling?

Last week, Elementary Learners watched this video from Mike Rowe, who has a show profiling people who are passionate about the meaningful work they have found in essential ("dirty") jobs.
After watching the video, learners were asked to reflect on Rowe's points through questions like this:
After watching the video, learners were asked to reflect on Rowe's points through questions like this:
Agree or disagree? It’s okay to say “Never give up on your dreams” to people, even if you don’t know what those dreams are.
Agree or disagree? When people follow their passion, they miss out on all kinds of opportunities they didn’t even know existed.
Agree or disagree? It’s good for young people to follow their passion.
Agree or disagree? It’s better for grown-ups to follow opportunity instead of passion so they can live independently.
Agree or disagree? For young people like you, focusing on finding your dream business to do at the business fair may keep you from seeing a real chance for having a business that is a meaningful experience.
Agree or disagree? Focusing too much on your passion could keep you from building up your toolbelt of skills in reading, writing, and math for opportunities you don’t even know about yet.
As learners wrestle with these ideas, they are learning how to use passion and opportunity as vital elements in their lifelong mission to “find a calling that can change the world.”
The next question posed to these learners will be: Is a calling more similar to a passion or an opportunity? As in every Socratic discussion, there will be no right answers, but deliberation that sharpens our thinking.
Molly Franklin Lucia, M.Ed.
Head of School
Want your child to be immersed in a school where they wrestle with what it means to find a calling that can change the world? Schedule a tour or just give us a call (214-868-6686).