Week #33 and Calling Out Excellent Character

Character Call Outs are forms that learners in the elementary studio fill out to write and share about the excellent character they see in one another. The papers are placed in a box and shared with the group. Last week, there were many Character Call Outs written and shared.
“I saw you stand up to someone bigger. I call that courage.” 
“I accidentally hurt you while roughhousing and you said it wasn’t that bad. I call that joy.”
“I saw you working hard at Core Skills. I call that leadership.”
“I saw you sticking with your math when you felt like quitting. I call that fortitude.”

The Character Call Outs system is part of how we learn to BE at Acton Academy. These wonderful character words become infused in our culture and part of our lingo. Sparks (preschool-K) catch on verbally, noticing and calling out one another’s demonstrations of excellent character:
“That's being a good friend.” 
“You are working so hard on learning to tie a bow.”
“Thank you for honoring my work”
“He’s cleaning up. That’s leadership.”
"Thanks. My (metaphorical) bucket is full now."

Ready for your child to be immersed in an environment where character matters and excellent character is noticed and celebrated? Schedule a tour or give us a ring (214-868-6686) to figure out whether Acton Academy is right for your family.
Molly Franklin Lucia, M.Ed.
Head of School

More photos from last week.

Availability: Following our slow growth model, we have one spot in the Elementary Studio (1st-5th) and two spots in Spark (preschool-K) for Fall 2021.