Last week we launched a new session, Detective Science!
Elementary learners began their "detective training" challenges, and everyone honed in on traits of a detective scientist: attention to detail, curiosity, imagination, and strong memory. Every day learners were asked, "Which trait will/did you use most?"
It’s fascinating to watch these traits develop as learners tackle challenges each day. Do detectives make mistakes? Absolutely. They are gifts. Afterward is recovery and strategizing. Often, there’s laughter and lightheartedness.
Being able to attempt a big task with an eye for attention to detail, curiosity, imagination, and strong memory is part of what makes a day at Acton such a special opportunity. These experiences go beyond acquiring facts and content and push learners into the more complex and nuanced territory of learning how to learn, how to do, and how to be. Ready for your child to be at a school that embraces nuance and deep learning? Schedule a tour or give us a call to start your journey (214-868-6686).